2. Auflage des Buches "Reich mit Diamanten" von Dipl. Kfm. Robert Brachfeld

Exklusives Hintergrundwissen: Ein Insider berichtet
Diamanten faszinieren die Menschen seit Tausenden von Jahren. Und schon immer standen diese Edelsteine für Wohlstand und Sicherheit. Gerade in einem schwierigen wirtschaftlichen Umfeld erweisen sich Diamanten als stabile Kapitalanlage mit langfristig beträchtlichem Renditepotenzial. Allerdings gilt die Diamant-Branche als sehr diskret und verschlossen. Ein hohes Maß an Wissen ist aber zwingend erforderlich, um erfolgreich in wirklich hochwertige Steine zu investieren. Mit dem vorliegenden Buch öffnet ein absoluter Insider die Türen zu dieser geheimnisvollen Branche. Neben den unverzichtbaren Basisinformationen erfährt der Leser unter anderem, wie der Diamantenmarkt funktioniert, von welchen Faktoren die Preisentwicklung abhängt und weshalb es gerade für sicherheitsorientierte Investoren Sinn macht, das Portfolio mit Diamanten zu diversifizieren. Diplom-Kaufmann Robert Brachfeld kennt die Diamant-Branche seit Jahrzehnten. Nach dem Studium der Betriebswirtschaftslehre an der Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universität in Frankfurt gründete er Ende der 1970er Jahre sein Diamant-Import-Unternehmen mit Hauptsitz in der gleichnamigen Finanzmetropole. Daneben ist er Herausgeber des seit 1979 erscheinenden Informationsdienstes „Diamantbericht“ und "Preisbericht". Nicht zuletzt über die bekannte Diamant-Familie Brachfeld mit Verkaufsbüros an allen wichtigen Börsen der Welt hat der Autor sehr enge Kontakte zu sämtlichen führenden Märkten und den wichtigsten Marktteilnehmern. 

Als erste Publikation dieser Art im deutschen Sprachraum behandelt dieser Titel ausführlich auch den Aspekt „Diamanten als Kapitalanlage“. 


1923 Charles Brachfeld, who emigrated from present-day Poland to Belgium as a young man, founded the diamond house. He was one of the pioneers of the diamond industry. The Brachfeld diamond cutting company was one of the first companies of its kind in Europe. With this diamond cutting company, which was very modern by the standards of the time, the company was very successful from the very beginning.

Later the diamonds were obtained directly from their own mine in Africa. His sons later developed the company further. Even today, the entire company is still owned by the family.

Third parties or funds are not involved. There are only a few family businesses left in the diamond industry that are so old. This old tradition means for the customers an enormous security with the purchase of diamonds. You can be sure that the qualities are very strictly graduated and that the diamonds have an excellent cut.

The Brachfeld skyscraper was also built opposite the Diamond Exchange in Antwerp. There the diamonds are sorted and sorted according to quality and size. Even today, the Brachfeld-Building/Antwerp, only a few metres away from the Antwerp Diamond Exchange, is the control centre of the family. From there the connections lead to the other important diamond exchanges in New York, Rhamat Ghan and Bombay. Diamonds are still processed in Brachfeld diamond cutting company.

1969 Siegmund Brachfeld then opened the German company at Edelstein-Börse/Idar Oberstein. Here, too, business developed very quickly. Not surprising, because one could fall back also here on the long tradition and the international contacts. Fast delivery times and an enormous selection of perfectly cut diamonds in best qualities at very favourable prices inspired goldsmiths and jewellery factories.

1979 10 years later his son Dipl. Kfm. Robert Brachfeld founded another Brachfeld diamond house in Frankfurt/Main after studying business administration at Frankfurt University. In the interest of his customers, he also uses all the advantages of this remarkable family tradition. Goldsmiths and jewellery manufacturers throughout Germany, Austria and Switzerland are supplied from here. There are 9 employees here who can support their customers in all questions concerning diamonds. Customers can contact the Diamant-Haus in Frankfurt via a free telephone hotline. Brachfeld was voted the best diamond supplier several times by the readers of the Diamantbericht industry service. With the introduction of the euro, it was decided to export to other countries as well. Further offices are to be opened soon. There are more than 40,000 cheap diamonds on the Brachfeld website. It is almost impossible not to find the right diamond there. This site is only accessible for goldsmiths and jewellery factories after a previous registration. In the meantime more than 1000 jewellery companies are supplied.

"But the high standards and vision of supporting the specialist trade have remained the same"



Brachfeld has already been voted the best diamond supplier 14 times in a row by the magazin Diamantbericht.


Goldsmiths and jewellers are among the satisfied customers. And not only in Germany, but also in Austria, Spain and Switzerland.


Goldsmiths in Germany, Austria and Switzerland can order diamonds or obtain information via a free telephone and fax hotline.





069-6860660 069-68606621

Austria (free)

0800-222706 0800-22270610

Switzerland (free)

0800-561711 0800-561711


Monday - Friday: 9:00 - 18:00
